Programmatic Blogging

A reflection on how I created the static site generator behind this blog.

Jinay Jain - May 4, 2020

Blogs are almost never written in pure HTML. Behind every Medium, Wordpress, or Blogger post lies some system that converts a human-friendly document into something more computer friendly. Like a program compiler, they translate and link different files from your blog into a single site, which your readers will see. To gain a deeper understanding of how exactly these systems operate, I decided to build my own system. How hard can it be? Before I dive into the technical explanation of my blog, I’d like to demonstrate some of the things it can do.

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A quokka

Of course, any blog needs a way to handle images or graphics.


A core feature of many technical blogs, I wanted to have a clean way of displaying code snippets in tandem with my blog writing. Each code block is automatically highlighted according to what language it’s in.


int main() {
    printf("Hello, world");
    return 0;


if foo:
    print("Hello, world")
    print("Goodbye, world")


<div class="container">
    <p>Hello, world</p>

I can even reference code inline: int x = 5;


In some cases, I might need equations to support my explanations. Using LaTeX syntax, I can embed math into my posts. Once again, they can either be inline or displayed as a centered block.

L=1Ni=1N[yilog(pi)+(1yi)log(1pi)]L = - \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^{N} [y_i \log (p_i) + (1 - y_i) \log (1 - p_i)]

Here is an inline equation: y=mx+by = mx+b

How It Works

The main idea behind this project is to build a static site generator, something that will compile my blogposts into a single, deployable website. The term, though, can mean many different things depending on how the system is implemented, so I had to answer some questions before I started building.

  1. How will I write my blogposts?
  2. What tools will I use to compile the blog?
  3. How will I deploy the blog?

What I ended up choosing was to use Markdown as my syntax for writing, NodeJS to build the project, and GitHub pages to deploy (using the gh-pages NPM package). These initial choices outlined the general series of steps needed to assemble my blog generator.

Rendering Markdown Files

Markdown (the syntax language for GitHub README’s and many texting platforms), has a relatively simple syntax that enables a writer to define very basic text editing features: headers, bolding/italics, links, or code. This allows programmers to easily convert Markdown into other formats like LaTeX documents, Beamer presentations, and HTML pages. In fact, the pandoc tool includes native support for converting markdown into a plethora of other file formats, allowing the user to control much of the styling and formatting of the document.

If I wanted to, I might have created a simple parser for Markdown myself. But—of course—there was a neat NPM package that did the work for me, markdown-it. In my code, I simply read the desired Markdown file as a string and the simple md.render(source) would parse the document and convert it into HTML tags. markdown-it has several extensions that add extra syntax support for more specific needs. I added the markdown-it-katex package to include math equation rendering.

While rendering, a line like

$$ f(x)=\int_{0}^{1} x^2 dx $$

is converted into

f(x)=01x2dxf(x)=\int_{0}^{1} x^2 dx

which makes life much easier than trying to explain a loss function with convoluted notation like (y_i - p_i)^2.

I plan on adding some other syntax features as my needs evolve, but the ability to extend the core funcitonality of Markdown is why it’s such an appealing language for developers.

Capturing Post Metadata

Some information about the posts—the title, creation date, URL, etc.—shouldn’t be directly shown to the user, so I created a way to handle that data first before feeding it into markdown-it. Most SSG systems either include this metadata in separate files or within a special section in their Markdown called the front matter. I chose to use the latter, which meant my Markdown files would have a small section above the Markdown storing the metadata. For example, here’s the front matter for this post:

title: How I Built My Blog
author: Jinay Jain
description: A reflection on how I created the static site generator behind this blog.
date: 1588601471

As is a general theme in this post, an NPM package called front-matter handled the retrieval of this metadata for each file, returning an object that contains the fields of the metadata as properties. The remaining text after the front matter is also returned, which I then feed into md.render().

Styling and Formatting Posts

After markdown-it renders and outputs the HTML content for the post, it is embedded into the post template written in the HTML templating language Handlebars. The post.hbs file, which outlines the general format of a post, includes spaces for the site generator to replace with the post’s title, content, and other metadata. The file, although very small, enables me to customize how posts are formatted and include items like a static footer into each post. Currently, the code looks like this, but I can iterate and develop on it as my needs change:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" />
        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../styles/post.css" />
        <title>{{ title }}</title>

        <div class="content">
            <div class="header">
                <div class="title-bar">
                    <h1 class="title">{{ title }}</h1>
                    <h3><a href="../..">home</a></h3>
                <h3 class="author">
                    {{ author }}<span class="date"> - {{ dateString }}</span>
            {{{ content }}}

The styling for these posts is done through SCSS, which is compiled with the posts during the build script. Since the post.hbs file imports the same CSS for each post, I can change the styling for all posts using a single post.scss SCSS file.

Final Thoughts

Though I might have had a wider range of prebuilt features from an existing system like Jekyll, the satisfaction of building the features I need for my blog supersedes the convenience of using such a system. This post defines only a tentative view of what features my blog contains, and the true state of the SSG will be an amalgamation of what features I need from such a system. Once I have developed the static site generator enough, I hope to distribute it as open source software for others to use. But for now, it shall remain a practical tool for maintaining my personal blog and nothing more.

If you would like to download or inspect the code for this blog, you can find the GitHub repository here.

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